Control Valves
Control valves are available in many different configurations and models depending on the application of our customer. Each control valve is made of high-quality components and each valve is tailored for our customers specific water needs. Control valves offered by Kontel Technologies Pvt. Ltd. are fully adjustable, easy to program, easy to install and need minimal maintenance. Whether it is a filter valve or softener valve, whether it is a metered valve or timer valve we have it covered.
our products
AquaMatic Easy Nest Kits
AquaMatic K52 Composite Valve
AquaMatic K53 Composite Valve
AquaMatic Stagers
AquaMatic V42 Metal Valve
AquaMatic V46 Stainless Steel Valve
AquaMatic VAV
Autotrol 255 Control Valve
Autotrol Performa 263/268 Control Valve
Autotrol Performa Cv Control Valve
Clack WS1 Series Control Valve
Clack WS1.25 Control Valve
Clack WS1.25EE Control Valve
Clack WS1.25EI Control Valve
Clack WS1 Series Control Valve
Clack WS1.25TC Control Valve
Clack WS1.25SP Control Valve
Clack WS1CI Control Valve
Clack WS1CI Twin Control Valve
Clack WS1CS Control Valve
Clack WS1EE Control Valve
Clack WS1EE Twin Control Valve
Clack WS2CI/QC Control Valve
Clack WS2H Control Valve